
Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Regularly, starting in SS 2017OEP-Free-1U: Zoogeography and ecology of marine organisms in tropical habitats (with an excursion to the Red Sea, Dahab/Egypt, together with H. Bleckmann)
SS 2013 – SS 2018OEP-Free-1G, Ecology and zoogeography of the Pannonian area, with a field trip to the Lake Neusiedl / Austria, Hungary (seminar, practical, excursion, together with W. Böhme and C. Koch, discontinued)
Regularly, starting in WS 2011/2012OEP-Free-1O, Patterns and Processes Shaping Biodiversity (seminar, together with F. Herder)
 OEP-Free-IND, Introduction to Scientific Programming in R (seminar/practical)
 OEP-Free-IND, Introduction to GIS / species distribution modeling (seminar/practical)
Regularly, starting in WS 2010/2011OEP-Free-1D, Evolution, and biodiversity of lower vertebrates (lecture/practical, together with F. Herder, and T. Ziegler)
 WS 2010/2011OEP-Free-1C, Distribution patterns, speciation and phylogenetics of vertebrates in the Palaeotropics (seminar, together with R. van den Elzen and F. Herder, discontinued)
 OEP-WP27 Student´s research projects (individual practicals)
WS 2011/20127010100212 Introduction to Zoology (lecture together with W. Böhme and F. Herder)
SS 2011Introduction to Species Distribution Modelling (internal practical ZFMK)

Trier University

WS 2010/2011LV 65531, Evaluating biodiversity (seminar)
WS 2009/2010LV 65531, Information search and management (lecture/practical)
 LV 65800, Principles of chorology (practical within it the topic Ecological Niche Modeling only; together with S. Lötters)
 LV 65808, Vertebrates II (amphibians) (lecture/practical within it the topic bioacoustics only)
SS 2009Biogeography of Africa (seminar together with S. Lötters)
 LV 65512, Diversification within the Amazon and Congo basin (seminar together with S. Lötters)
 LV 65808, Vertebrates II (amphibians) (lecture/practical within it the topic bioacoustics only)
 LV 65502, Principles of chorology (lecture/practical within it the topic Ecological Niche Modeling only; together with S. Lötters)

Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz (UESC), Brazil

SS 2022 “Redação científica para zoólogos” (scientific writing for zoologists), lecture/practical together with M. Solé
WS 2020/2021 OEP-Free-1D, Evolution, and biodiversity of lower vertebrates (joint lecture/practical at UESC and ZFMK, together with F. Herder, and T. Ziegler)
SS 2010Ecologia, sistemática e conservação de anfíbios [Ecology, systematics and conservation of amphibians] (lecture/practical together with M. Solé)

Advised thesis

Ongoing thesis

Baral, S. PhD thesis

Landscape genetics improve conservation planning in selected taxa in Tibet.

Chiacchio, M. PhD thesis

Impacts of winter tourism on habitat quality for selected amphibian and reptile species.

Grundmann, D. PhD thesis

Impacto da exposição a diferentes temperaturas sobre a obtenção de alimento e desenvolvimento em Boa constrictor Linnaeus, 1758. UESC, Brazil

Hilmer, M. BSc thesis

Developing conservation strategies for Goniurosaurus in Vietnam

Meyers, E. M. PhD thesis

Conservation strategies for the critically endangered Angel Shark (Squatina squatina)

Nelson, S. MSc thesis

Is the geogaphic location of hybrid zones environmentally dependent in Triturus ssp.?

Ostrowski, N. BSc thesis

New strategies for optimizing SDMs – a simulation approach

Parmar, D. S. PhD thesis

Diversity and distribution of herpetofauna in the Goa Gap region and The Dangs, Western Ghats, Peninsular India

Pérez Garcia, E. MSc thesis

One plan approach conservation strategies

Rose, A., MSc thesis

Predicting the potential distribution of Laonastes aenigmamus under current and future climate (Univ. Cologne)

Sampaio, M. M. A. da Sá, PhD thesis

How to end control and eradication programs of invasive species on dendritic stream networks

Vinícius dos S. A. Vieira, M. PhD thesis

How does climate change affect biological interactions? (UESC) Dissertation

Wirges, N. J. MSc thesis

Niche evolution in Hemidactylus: correlative vs. mechanistic approaches



Ecker, Y.: An analysis on habitat specific adaptations of the subdigital epidermal microfibrillar outgrowths within the genus Cyrtodactylus (Gekkota: Squamata). Master Thesis

Ginal, P.: Invasion biology of amphibians and reptiles- from observations to predictive spatial models. PhD Thesis

Groß, T. T.: Comparison of 2- and 3- dimensional analysis of gecko claws (Squamata, Gekkonidae, Cyrtodactylus). Bachelor Thesis

Heckmann, J. H.: Effects of habitat specialization and the evolution of adhesive toepads on the dorsal digit musculature of the genus Cyrtodactylus (Gekkota, Squamata). Master Thesis

Kukla, Y.: The role of toepad configurations in Gekkonid diversity: linking morphology to ecology and distribution. Master Thesis

Liz, A. V.: Comparative phylogeography of the Sahara-Sahel – a spatial-temporal approach to biodiversity dynamics in the largest warm desert on Earth. PhD Thesis Univ. Lissabon

Manno, J.: Connecting phalangeal structure, habitat preference and evolution of adhesive toepads in Cyrtodactylus Gray (Gekkota, Squamata): a geometric morphometric approach. Bachelor Thesis

Steib, L. M.: Investigating amphibian and reptile distributions in Romania: comparision of static and dynamic modelling approaches and their conservation values. Master thesis

Tan, W. C.: Effects of habitat fragmentation on herpetofauna in Southeast Asia: From broad-scale responses to fine-scale responses in an everchanging anthropogenic landscape. PhD thesis


Altenhofen, J.: Landscape structure vs. Olympic village effects: modelling spatial sorting biases in an invasive amphibian. Bachelor Thesis

Clement, V. F.: Home range and ecology of a palearctic lacertid: combining novel and old approaches to assess Lacerta agilis Linnaeus,1758 in the center of its distribution with conisderations for conservation. PhD Thesis

Noordermeer, C.: Toe pad evolution in Australian Geckos. Master Thesis Univ. Leiden


Kyaw, N. W.: Home range and spatial habitat use in Burmese star tortoise (Geochelone platynota). Master Thesis

Regnet, R. A.: Ontogenia e Morphologia Comparativa de Girinos de Anuros. PhD Thesis

Sperling, K.: Amphibians and reptiles of Ethiopia – Biogeography, conservation priority areasand
potentials fort he One Plan Approach. Master Thesis


Deiß, F.: Microclimatic specific performance of the chytrid fungus Batrachochytrium salamandrivorans: a very high resolution spatial conservation assessment within the preferred habitats of Salmandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758) in western Germany. Master Thesis

Harrer, S.: Identifying priority areas for conserving Vietnams Ichthyofauna. Bacherlor Thesis

Rech, I.: Geckos in zoos – conservation breeding or show-off keeping? Master Thesis

Reichert, M.: Developmental ecology of Discoglossus sp. tadpoles: does density affect growth rates?Bachelor Thesis


Prieto Ramirez, A. M.: Understanding the impact of habitat fragmentation on Lacerta viridis across its range. PhD thesis.

Schmitz, L.: Seasonal variations in microhabitat use in Lacerta agilis? Master thesis


Macedo, E. F. Impacto potencial das mudanças climáticas sobre a distribuição do gênero Ophiodes Wagler, 1828 (Squamata: Anguidae) e implicações para a conservação das espécies. Master thesis – Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz

Schluckebier, R.: Spatial Habitat Use in Lacerta agilis Linnaeus, 1758. Master thesis


Nania, D.: Niche evolution and potential distribution of Lepidodactylus lugubris. Master thesis

Pilch, T. T.: The scales of the soles of monitor lizards’ feet (Squamata: Varanidae: Varanus spp.) and their potentially adhesive property. Bachelor thesis

Platzen, J.: A method to evaluate the climatic profile of a species by the example of Lacerta agilis LINNAEUS, 1758, in the Dellbrücker Heide. Master thesis

Villa Nova, M. F.: Padrões de diversidade de anfíbios ao longo de um gradiente altitudinal na Estação Ecológica de Wenceslau Guimarães, Sul da Bahia, Brasil. Master thesis (UESC, Brazil)


Behr, N.: Assessing the status of poorly known amphibians. Are they really local endemics or just a sampling artifact? Master thesis

Büschen, J.: Developmental ecology of Dendropsophus marmoratus. Bachelor thesis

Demand, T.: Phenotypic plasticity and thermal limits in amphibians. Bachelor thesis

Jacken, A.: Which species are in captive breeding projects in Zoos? Master thesis

Mahnke, A.: Ultrastructure of the adhesive apparatus in Phelsuma spp. Master thesis

Von Oy, R.: Using SDMs to assess the invasion potential of reptiles. Bachelor thesis

Rao, S.: Assessing the distribution and conservation status of Squatina squatina on the Canary Islands. Bachelor thesis


Clement, V. F.: Habitat Assessment and Behavior of Lacerta agilis LINNAEUS, 1758 in the Wahner Heide – An Ecological Profile of a Widespread Species in the Center of its Distribution. Master thesis

Galunder, K.: Developmental ecology and larval staging in Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger, 1893) (Anura: Rhacophoridae). Bachelor thesis

Ihlow, F.: Herpetodiversity of Asia with a Special Focus on the Taxonomy, Ecology, and Distribution of Southeast Asian Chelonians. PhD thesis

Plagge, L.: Temperature dependent performance in larvae of Ambystoma mexicanum (Shaw, 1798) (Caudata: Ambystomatidae). Bachelor thesis

Reich, A.: Field study on thermoregulation of Lacerta agilis (Squamata: Lacertidae) in the NSG Wahner Heide. Master thesis

Sönnichsen, K.: Comparative feeding ecology and morphometrics of Lyciasalamandra species (Amphibia: Salamandridae) from Anatolia and Greece. Master thesis

Stupp, S.: Reexamination of Paul Müller’s collection of anurans from the Island of São Sebastião (Atlantic Rainforest of São Paulo, Brazil) and comparison with recent herpetofauna of this and comparable regions. Bachelor thesis


Behr, N.: Comparative larval development and behavioral thermoregulation in the Yellow-Bellied toad Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758) (Anura: Bombinatoridae). Bachelor thesis

Engler, J. O.: Entwicklung und Anwendung eines kombinierten Methodenansatzes zur Analyse landschaftsspezifischer Effekte auf den Genfluss terrestrischer Organismen. PhD thesis

Drüke, Y.: Comparative analysis of the feeding ecology of the gecko Hemidactylus mabouia in its invasive and native range. Bachelor thesis

May, G.: Using spatial data in R: Modeling potential dispersal pathways of an invasive amphibian. Bachelor thesis

Weishaar, M.: Biogeography and environmental niche evolution in the genus Pelusios. Master thesis


Ferreira, R. B.: Impacts on threatened amphibians in a Brazillan Atlantic Forest mosaic. PhD thesis (scientific committee member, Department of Wildland Resources and Ecology Center, Utah State University, USA)

Fonseca, E. E.: Potencial invasor de serpentes exóticas no Brasil. Master thesis (Universidade Estadual de Santa Cruz)

Hörnes, D.: Herpetofauna of the Parque Nacional Cordillera Azul, Peru. Master thesis

Klein, B.: Entwicklungsbiologie ausgewählter Pfeilgiftfrösche der Gattung Ranitomeya. Master thesis

Krings, M.: Tadpole descriptions of different poison dart frogs of the genus Ranitomeya (Anura: Dendrobatidae) and their morphological comparison. Master thesis

Lemm, L.: Environmental niche evolution in the amphibian family Mantidactylidae. Master thesis

Linden, J. K.: Assessing biogeographical patterns in American freshwater turtles using a node-based analysis technique. Master thesis

Meyers, E. M.: Patterns in the distribution, population structure and habitat use of the Angel Shark (Squatina squatina). Master thesis

Prokant, F.: Phylogeny of the Grass Snake (Natrix natrix) based on Integrative Taxonomy. Master thesis

Vogt, S.: Invasionsbiologie von Xenopus laevis: Charakteriserung des Beutespektrums. Master thesis


Mödrath, C.: Habitatnutzung von Großsäugern in der ariden Otjimbingwe Region von Namibia. Master thesis

Reich, A.: Behavioral thermoregulation of tropical dart-poison frog larvae of the genus Epipedobates (Anura: Dendrobatidae) across multiple developmental stages. Bachelor thesis

Marques da Siva, R.: Compositcao, distrubuicao e historia natural da cumunidade de serpentes do litoral notre da Bahia, Brasil. Master thesis (Universidate Estadual de Santa Cruz)

Kurth, M.: Vergleichende Reproduktionsbiologie und Larvalentwicklung von Epipedobates anthonyi / E. tricolor. Bachelor thesis


Flecks, M.: A systematic revision of the African members of the genus Lygodactylus Gray, 1864. Diploma thesis

Günther, F.: Which importance has the Red River in Vietnam for the distribution of Goniurosaurus (Squamata: Eublepharidae) and Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae)? A Survey based on SDMs and niche comparisons. Master thesis

Lierz, T.: Räumlich explizite Analysen der morphologischen Variation iberischer Lacertiden. Master thesis

Pertel, W.: Predicting the potential distribution of amphibians in the central corridor of the Atlantic rainforest. Master (Universidate Estadual de Santa Cruz)


Dubke, M.: Taxonomy and Zoogeographie of Ptychadena (Boulenger, 1817): Quantity of cryptic batrachodiversity? Bachelor thesis

Hörnes, D.: Current and past diversity patterns of North American chelonians: is there evidence of historical community reshuffling? Bachelor thesis

Nekum, S.: Kartierung und potentielle Verbreitung der Zauneidechse Lacerta agilis im Stadtgebiet von Köln. Diploma thesis (co-supervisor)


Hahn, G.: The potential distribution of Varanus niloticus and V. ocellatus. Diploma thesis (Trier University, co-supervisor)

Weinsheimer, F.: The herpetofauna of the Kimboza Forest with special focus on the Turquoise Dwarf Gecko (Lygodactylus williamsi). Diploma thesis (co-supervisor)

Weinmann, T.: Comparisons of climate niches in Neotropical poison frogs (Dendrobates). Diploma thesis (Trier University, co-supervisor)



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Leibniz Institute for the Analysis of Biodiversity Change (LIB)

Adenauerallee 127

53113 Bonn



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